Sunday, April 13, 2008

How come you spell your name like that?

Ahhh... the million dollar question... According to historians the original spelling of my nickname is J-I-M-B-O and Jimbo was my name-o. 1997 Anno Domini, it was then that the "radical" spelling of my nickname was born. I was working at a local radio station and I had to make up a new name plus a story behind the name. And this is the story (chimes...)
*** Against contrary beliefs, this name was not created because of my (proudly) Filipino heritage. If (and only if) you noticed... most Filipino nicknames have "h" and "e" somewhere on their nicknames. For example Tito Boy, must be spelled as Tito Bhoy. and Ate Baby needs to be spelled as Bhaby. Marlene's pet name is Mhar or Lhenne. So on and so fort, I'm sure you get the drift. (The name implied on this blog are purely fictional. Any resemblance to any Filipino names are purely coinncidental and intentional.)

Airdude Jhimboe was a half-French, half-Filipino. So therefore let me introduce myself. Je m'appelle Jhimboe Suson. This was used to make the morning show with my bud, Montee, a little bit fancy and fun. Then I took on the nick "Jhimboe" during my mIRC days (for those of you who where not yet born or were still young and know nothing about computers back then, IRC stands for Internet Chat Relay... do a bit of research... the "m" currently escapes my mind... I believe it stands for Mordambay or something like that).

Anyway... so after a while (like years) I kinda grew into it and up to this moment in time I still use the spelling. Plus I like it... walang kokontra!!!


GENISM said...

nice nice nice! hehehehe "coincidental and intentional"

Liz said...

Yups... that our Jhimboe'

JIGS II said...

thank you for the love and support!