Saturday, June 7, 2008

Maxima enim... Patientia virtus!!!

      These past few weeks, I've been dealing with so many things that had a lot to do with patience. Not to mention, I lost my sense of being patient a long time ago, if that is even possible.
      Anyway, after June 6, 2008, I realized how important it is to be patient. To have that sense of being patient. Indeed, Maxima enim... patientia virtus. Patience is the greatest virtue, indeed. Those guys who came up with that stuff knew their stuff indeed. But I would gladly let them know that what they knew has been known for the longest of time already. Being patient is very Biblical... No, really it is...
      The word "patience" showed up 16 times in NIV. All be it in different contexts but still the same meaning... And it is in this regard that I have to say God taught me how to be patient again.
     For whatever reason, being patient for me actually means fully trusting God. Trusting God means, my hope is in Him. And having my hope in God means I have to wait on Him. Though I may have the best plans in place, yet I still have to wait on the Lord so that I will not be put to shame (Ps 25:3 KJV).
      Why would I intervene with God's plan and insist that I follow my own plan, when He, God the Father, has already made wonderful plans for me? Jeremiah made it clear whan God declared, "For I know the plans I have for you; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
      You see, I believe that God is the God and that He created everything around me and the whole universe. He made everything and was pleased with them. If this God of all creations created everything (including you and me) and He purposely made prosperous plans for my future, then why would I, for the very being in me, think that my plans are better than His? It's like a worm bellowing to a whale, "I will squash you, big time." It's just not logically plausible.
      My plans no matter how complicated and intricate cannot by any means exceed God's perfect plan. And my actions in response to my plans can never achieve anything remotely close to God's perfect will. So, after failing miserably and obtaining nothing but zilch, zero and nada. I learned what God wanted me to learn all this time. PATIENCE. I learned to wait on God and fully trust in Him. It's very freeing. Honestly, I feel brand new. Yahooooo!!! As the lazy Philosopher once said (and I am not that Philopher , wink-wink), "At least i don't get to think now: I just have to follow the best Leader of them all who has the best plans and the best mind-boggling simple responses and actions ever."

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