Wednesday, September 3, 2008

An Apology!

There comes a time in a man’s life that he must make decisions that will either break him or make him. And based upon those decisions, the consequences can either be good or bad. The apostle Paul said it well when he said in 1 Corinthians that “Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial.”
Most of the choices I have made in life were based on what I thought was right. Some of them garnered me constructive consequences, others just stomped me to destruction. But one thing I know is this: I cannot blame anyone for all the choices I have made. Choices are one of the many gifts that God has bestowed upon us, and I must and need to be accountable for all the choices that I have made in life.
Some consequences lead to other people being hurt. But as a man of integrity I have to acknowledge these consequences and bear the repercussions it will bring. Many a times because of fear of all these consequences, I became a double-thinker; not sure about anything; of which, I guarantee you, I am not. But then it was still my choice and now I have to carry the consequences. All I have to do now is choose whether it be constructive or destructive.
But either way, I will still get hurt. That would still be the bottom line. If gold bars have feelings they will feel pain when they will be put through fire, just for them to become pure and to show their true worth. In the same manner, I am going through purification. God is my Maker and in order for my true worth to shine and my true calling to rise, He needs to be put me through fire so that I will be who He wants me to be; then and only then will I be able to look upon my choices and smile, for every consequences are stepping stones for me to achieve success. Sacrifice always comes before victory.
Being part of the Jesus Is Lord Pastoral Program I have to realize where I stand and what character(s) and image(s) I need to project. I need to personify the values of the Jesus Is Lord Church. I also need to live up to her standards. And I have to accept and decide where I need to stand. That means though I am in the world, I’m not of the world.
My stint as a front man of a band is not in itself a bad thing but against the fact that I am part of the JIL Pastor program, a member of the JIL British Columbia area management team, a member of the church management team of the JIL Multicultural Church, a worship leader and a praise and worship songwriter means that I carry a heavy and different standard as with the other members of the said teams. I have to choose which platform I will stand on. And I choose to stand on a JIL platform. That is my calling and that is where I want to be.
With that being said and done, I would like to apologize and ask for forgiveness to every member of the Jesus Is Lord Church who got confused, who raised questions about my integrity and who may have looked upon the JIL leadership differently. My sincere apologies also to the CYN who may think, because of my performance at a recent concert, that, it is cool to be part of the world; no it is not cool to be part of this world. To the leadership of the Jesus Is Lord Church, I ask for your forgiveness for lowering the standard of the JIL Leadership. It was never my intention to damage our reputation as leaders. To Judith, I beg for your forgiveness as you have warned me already yet I did not heed your warning. To Pastor Ben, forgive me for not thoroughly explaining the details of my band and the concert. To Pastor Aldrin and Ate Monette, I know both of you are disappointed at me for what I have done. I have broken your trust and for that I am tremendously sorry. And to God, my King, my Saviour and my Redeemer: No words can even come close in expressing the sorrow I have for breaking your heart. Forgive me Father for I have sinned.
I pray that you all will still accept me and would still regard me as your leader and confidant. I am truly humbled but this issue and moreover I have garnered great insights and mind-blowing revelations. Although music is one of my three major passions, it still cannot supersede my number one passion - God and His purpose in my life. I will leave you a verse in which God spoke to me with as I went to Him in prayer asking for forgiveness and the verse is 1 Kings 21:13. May God continually bless each and every one of you and may He listen to your every petition in prayers. Soli Deo Gloria.

1 comment:

GENISM said...

2 months plus unupdated...abandonned na tong blog na to :P hehehehe