Sunday, November 16, 2008


     If I were to put into words the revelations I received during the month of November leading up to the Anniversary of JIL BC, it would be this "the culmination of a prophecy and a directive to a new set of orders". I don't want to go to sleep tonight without taking a time to reflect on what has occured and to what will occur.
     I would describe the proceedings of the night but I'm still dumbfounded by the glory of God that has fallen. Since fully commiting my life to God sometime in 2003, I have always been a part of the anniversary be it in the music ministry or something else. But this year I was part of something more relevant and more meaningful. I may have not hit the drums, or strum a chord or held a mic or lead a group. But what I was part of was something more personal and needed much more attention on my part and I can only give it my full attention if I'm not doing anything.
     As I was worshiping God, I was beholding the presence of the Almighty. I was being reminded by what Moses said to God "Show me your glory." And it was as if at that moment in time when Ate Edith annouced a call unto the altar, I heard God yelled at me and said " I WILL SHOW YOu MY GLORY" and indeed I saw God's glory. A glory that I have not seen before. Not even when I was part of any activities. It was the kind of the glory that could be describe in the Bible as a "consuming fire", a "pillar of cloud" or a "pillar of fire". What a magnificent sight it was. The very glory of God descended upon the people. And It was as if the very angels were singing. As a matter of fact, I believe that the very angels were singing loudly and the glory of the King reflected to His people. The Glory of God was like a river and people were jumping into the river with their cups. Now just scooping water, but jumping in the river and being swept away. The people and swept away not by emotions or any human control but the people were swept away by the glory of the livng God and King. Exactly like the vision God showed me last Tuesday November 11 during one of our Soaking in the Spirt Session (SSS) and I am one of those people. I am one of them indeed. (The rest of this entry is now personal.)

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