Friday, December 26, 2008

Hands down...

    A few weeks ago, JAGS, GenisM and myself were privileged enough to listen to one of the top apologist and one of the most prolific speakers in theology around, Mr. Ravi Zacharias. The theme for the night was aptly called "Capture the wonder of Christmas" and the topic revolved around the question "Who is Jesus?"
    Well, who is Jesus, anyway? Sure I have received Him as my Lord and personal Saviour. I've been reading about Him in the Bible. Sure He is God but what makes Him different from all the other gods out there? What makes Jesus, well Jesus?
    Personally, this is a riveting question. I can't come up with any other question that comes close to the voluminous appeal of this question. Many a times agnostics, skeptics or straight out atheists tried answering this question by proving that Jesus was either a 1. myth or a 2. hoax; that Jesus never died on the cross or for that matter never ressurected. And every single one of them except for some, who for what ever reason found the Truth but neglected the Truth none the less, came out believing that Jesus Christ is indeed who He claimed He was and that all the miracles He did had at the very least happened.
    I will try to share with you some transciptions of Ravi Zacharias' lecture during his visit in Abbotsford in the next coming days, Deo volente.
    But before that, I pray that each and everyone of us will come to the realization of the true meaning of Christmas... That Christmas is not about giving gifts and being nice. (Although those are good thoughts). It's not even about being with families and friends, no matter how warm that makes us feel inside. Christmas is not much about the virgin birth rather it is about God who became Man so He may suffer and die on the cross for all mankind. Hallelujah!!!

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