Monday, February 23, 2009


Josh 10:8
The LORD said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to withstand you."

    As I was nearing myself to that suspension bridge, my heart started to beat very fast. I’m afraid of heights, and that suspension bridge is pretty high. I encouraged myself with the words “I can do it” and “I can cross that bridge.” I eventually did but it took guts and a whole lot of courage plus a little help from my friends.
    You see our relationship with the Lord is somewhat like that. There will always be struggles that we have to face in order for us to be with the Lord our God. As we walk down that road, God is always there cheering us up, encouraging us to keep moving, just like my friends did when I crossed that bridge. He understands us because He created us. He knows our limitations. That’s why He is there rooting for us.
    After crossing the bridge, I’ve learn three things important realities.
  1. It is okay to be afraid.
    God says in Joshua 10:8 “...Do not be afraid...” But understand this; He knows that we are fearful beings. He knows that we tend to be afraid of stuff. So what He is really trying to say is “It’s okay to be afraid, my child, for if you are afraid that’s the time you will rely on me, then if you rely on me, that’s the time I can say do not be afraid because I am a powerful and one true God.” How amazing is that?
  2. Go ahead take it.
    Then God said “...I have given them into your hand...” So then if you rely on God, what else do you do but to take and possess that which is in front of you. It could be job opportunities, it could be school opportunities, and it could even be ministry related or in my case fear of heights. As long as you rely on God and take refuge in Him, it doesn’t matter what’s in front of you. Go ahead and grab that. You’ll be amaze by the wonders God can do if you fully rely on Him.
  3. God is all I need.
    Lastly God said, “...Not one of them will be able to withstand you...” Isn’t this astonishing? Rom 8:31 If God is for us, who can be against us? God’s asking us, “What else do you need? Why would you need anything else if you have me already?” But don’t get me wrong God gave us wisdom, so don’t go telling people that I have God so I don’t need to eat, or I have God so I don’t need to work. We still need all these but what God is trying to tell us is this, “I can sustain all your needs and I can give you all your wants. Just fully rely on me, and then I will give you the wisdom, the strength, the determination, the courage, and the focus to do all the things that I have commanded and all the things that I have imparted to you. I want you to have a good life but you will need me in order to achieve that.”
    Fully rely on God, that phrase entered my mind as I was half way towards the end of the bridge. And as I stepped out of that bridge, it dawned on me that, if God wasn’t there for me I might not be able to walk the path that He has paved before me. I must fully rely on God in order for me not to be afraid, to go ahead and take it and know that He is all I need.


GENISM said...

should have taken pictures of the them up

JIGS II said...

good idea... I will take photos of them...