Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Th Courage to Stand!

Ex 20:7

7 You shall not use or repeat the name of the Lord your God in vain [that is, lightly or frivolously, in false affirmations or profanely]; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

   My thought exactly when I started hearing my colleagues at work using the name of Jesus as a form of "verbal expression". All I can do was to close my eyes and say a little prayer which goes something like this, "Lord, it hurts me every time I hear them use your name lightly. I esteem your name Jesus and yet they use your name as if your name has no power whatsoever. Tell me what should I do." That has been my prayer for roughly 2 months and the more I ask God every morning inside the washroom when I'm at work, the louder their voices become. Until I changed my prayer to simply "Lord, give me the discernment to know when the right time is, the wisdom to say the right words and the boldness to stand firm." I needed those since I will be talking to my superior. That was my battle cry. And then it happened. My assistant branch manager called me to her desk. She asked me if something has been bothering me lately, (the reason being - I left an important gadget unattended). We had our discussions and then she said "Please let me know if you have any more concerns." Right after that sentence I heard God said "Go Ahead". I discerned that that was the right time. So I composed myself and in my mind said "Lord wisdom please". The first words that came out of my mouth was "It hurts me every time I hear people use the name of Jesus blatantly in a form of expression." Then I continued with "I use that name every time I pray and I have a relationship with the owner of that Name. I am telling you this because as my immediate superior I should go to you first." And Praise the Living God, she responded with a smile, a nodded in agreement and said that she will try her best as it was her habit already. I gratefully thanked her for allowing me to voice out my concern. I also asked her to let the others know as well. And she said "Will do." What intense rush it was to stand firm in defending my faith in Jesus Christ and I can truly say that Jesus was there talking in my behalf.

1 comment:

GENISM said...

that's encouraging to hear