Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's Not His Leadership...

Well apparently, the Fighting Irish are fighting to prevent Obama's commencement speech at Notre Dame. It's not about his leadership, it's about his stance against pro-life in which the Catholic Church is strongly in favour. I myself support pro-life... I actually commend a group of people in Commercial drive who wears plackards saying "Abortion is Murder" and it is indeed no matter how one looks at it.

I personnally believe that the end can never justify the means however "good"or "better"the end may be. To kill or destroy life just so as to ease human suffering is still killing and destroying. At the least, not that I agree, if one must destroy a life one must at least be confident enough to use the word "stop" (which in the grand scheme of life is impossible) and not ease... Human life is so precious to even think that it will only ease the pain... What if that one very life that they will destroy or had destroyed was actually the person who had or will have the God-given ability to actually yell "Eureka". What if... What if...

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