Friday, May 1, 2009

Why Learn the Gospel Presentation Seminar (GPS-Evangelism Explosion)

"I don't know how to start. "I don't know what to say." "I'm scared of rejection." or "I don't know how to evangelize."
    These are just but some of the many reasons I have heard as to why a born-again believer will not share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Admittedly, even I myself gave out many of these said reasons. But after learning and (on the process of) mastering the GPS-EE, some of these apparently valid reasons are now deemed invalid or at the least calculated ignorance. Ok, before I go any further, let me make a caveat first. I will always and always will rely on the Holy Spirit for it is not I nor the GPS-EE that can save but God alone through His Son Jesus Christ! Ok now that I have that corralled, let's go ahead and proceed.
The GPS-EE is by far the most logical and the most articulate tool of evangelism I have ever learned. I may have not learned every evangelism tool out there but do concur with me when I say that I have learned a few of them.
    It is logical because it follows a logical order. And since it follows a logical order, it does imply comprehension. It also has illustrations (both physical and verbal) that accentuates logic. (Who says that logic (reason) and faith cannot co-exist?) The two diagnostic questions may appear blunt at first but when conveyed with a sincere heart, it does create a moment of reflection for the listener. The viability of these two diagnostic questions bridges the gap of "no care zone" or " i don't know isle" to "I care zone" or "I must know Isle". If one can read through the outline, one can come to a conclusion that the categories and the subgroups are logically placed in their most deserved orders. This will in turn make the presentation of the gospel as smooth and as easy as it could get. Given that the presenter had to memorize the outline, the outcome of the presentation satisfies the work that had to be done. I do admit that learning the GPS-EE takes time and effort but that is only at the beginning. And after memorizing, you can take the GPS-EE and add your own flavour to it. I guarantee you that.
    Now since the whole goal of the GPS-EE is to present the gospel to believers and non-believers alike, the articulative aspect of the GPS-EE relies on the fact that it is in unity with the Bible. Every subgroups and categories with the exception of the introduction has related Bible verses attached to it. And this fact, to me is very important, since I hold the Bible as the ONLY authoritative Word of God. And since the JIL Church is a Bible-based church, this too is one very important aspect of the GPS-EE. But don't get me wrong, it is not that the Bible that supports GPS-EE, it is the other way around. The GPS-EE supports the Bible. The GPS-EE statements are expressed in a manner that are very concise and expressive yet not outlandish. But the statements the presenter of the Gospel make are statements that were already written in the Bible. Once again let me make another caveat, I believe that the Scripture interprets the Scripture (Sola Scriptura). But the GPS-EE has articulated with the Bible to form a presentation that any person who is willing to hear can easily comprehend.
    By learning the GPS-EE, the reason for us not to evangelize has just been cut down to slim. There is no way that after learning one can still say that "I don't know what to say", or "I don't know how to begin", or "I don't want to be rejected" (just remember always, Don't make it personal.) Because the GPS-EE tackles and it tackles hard, all of these seemingly valid reasons.
    I chose to learn the GPS-EE not because that it is mandatory but because it is a necessity. It is not because I am capable it is because I'm unlearned. It is not because I have to but it because I am willing. I chose to learn and master GPS because I believe that this is the best tool that the Holy Spirit is guiding me to learn so I can obey the commission of Jesus Christ before He ascended to the right hand of the Father.

P.S. Click here to download the GPS outline in word.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi, I wanted to learn the tool GPS-EE, but unfortunately I can't download it, can i have any other way to have a copy of it? here's my e-mail thank you very much and God bless...